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John Kennedy Intermediate School

Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a child be kept out of school with a fever?
A child should be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

How often do children have their eyes and ears examined at school?
Every year in September the children are screened for vision and hearing issues.




A fever is a sign that something is wrong. A child with a temperature of 100 or above should be kept home from school and the child needs to be without a fever for 24 hours before returning to class. If a child is sent home with a fever, the child will need to remain home at least 24 hours before returning.


Colds are common among school children. A child with a heavy cold with a deep, hacking cough, or a child with green or yellow nasal drainage should be kept home from school. If a child has a sore throat with no other symptoms, he can attend school. However, fever or white spots in the back of the throat should be treated by a physician. A child diagnosed with Strep throat needs to be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to the classroom.


If your child has a stomachache that is severe enough to limit his activity or is accompanied by a fever, he should be seen by his physician.

For vomiting - keep home until child does not vomit over a 24 hour time period and is able to tolerate foods.

For diarrhea - keep home until child is without diarrhea for a 24 hour period of time

If vomiting or diarrhea persists, the child should be seen by a physician as this could warrant a more serious health condition.


A rash is the first symptom of many contagious diseases. A child with a rash should not be sent to school unless there is a note from the doctor stating that the rash in not contagious. Children who come to school with an unidentified rash will be sent home from school.

PAIN Pain can be distracting to a child’s ability to learn so please seek prompt treatment.

Toothache – contact your dentist for treatment. 

Earache – consult your doctor without delay.

Headache – A child with frequent headaches should be seen by a doctor. If the doctor agrees, the child could have an order for Tylenol or Advil in Health Office on an as needed basis. A child with a mild headache does not need to be kept home from school.


A child with an injury who is complaining of pain and /or swelling needs to be seen by a doctor. An X-ray is needed to diagnose a fracture.


A child with head lice can return to school after treatment with a lice shampoo and ALL nits are removed from the hair. Failure to remove the nits can result in the child being re-infested. The child must be cleared by the school nurse before returning to the classroom.


Hand washing is the most important way to prevent the spread of germs and diseases among children as well as adults. Children are taught the importance of good hand washing habits at all grade levels. Please encourage good habits at home as well.

Hygiene is an important part of your child’s well-being. A child should be neat and clean with clothing that is appropriate for the environmental temperature. Parents will be notified by school personnel for issues regarding hygiene.


Children needing any medicine in school must have the following:

  • A written request from the doctor, indicating medication, frequency and dosage.

  • A written consent from the parent that the nurse can administer the doctor’s prescription.

  • Medication should be in the original bottle and must be delivered by an adult to school. Children are not allowed to carry medicine to school.


Be sure to update emergency cards if numbers or addresses change in case we need to reach you.


If you have any questions regarding your child, including information or help with health insurance, eye glasses, or other health devices, please call Mrs. Wagner at 343-2480, ext. 5001.