Together, with your help, we are here to maintain the health and wellness of your child! Please call if you have any questions or health concerns with your child. The health office also has a secured fax number that comes directly to the main office.
Mrs. Cheryl Wagner, School Nurse Teacher, MSN/ED, RN, BSN
343-2480 x5001 - phone
585-344-8617 - fax
Health Office Services
The main objective of the school health program is to obtain and maintain optimal physical, mental, and emotional health of all of our young people, conditions most conducive to learning. The School Health services offers the following to accomplish these objectives:
Also done for sports physicals, CSE referrals, and new entrants.
The School Nurse Practitioner's will conduct physcial evaluations.
Elementary Classroom Teaching K - 5
Health education done on one-to-one basis as needed.
Administer medication as prescribed by a physician with parent permission. Parents must transport medication to the Health Office. The medication must be in the original container. Proper forms are available in the Health Office.